Beta Chapter
Metropolitan State University of Denver
University of Colorado Denver
Est. November 10th, 1997
Become a Founder
Interested in becoming one of the Finest? Sisters of Pi Lambda Chi live by our four Rays of Excellence; Academic Excellence, Community Service, Empowerment, and Preserving Latina Culture. Our Sisterhood was founded to create a strong support network for women pursuing higher education and beyond. We are Sisters for Life and hold a lifelong bond with one another. Being a Sister of Pi Lambda Chi means you are a part of something bigger than yourself. Through our mission, Sisters strive to positively impact the community surrounding their campus. Pi Lambda Chi is accepting of all women because we recognize our difference as beauty. We will never close the doors of opportunity to any women interested in becoming a Golden Chi. If this sounds like the Sisterhood for you, contact our Director of Expansion at:
Hope to see you on the Golden side!