Beta Chapter
Metropolitan State University of Denver
University of Colorado Denver
Est. November 10th, 1997
How will I benefit from being a member of Pi Lambda Chi Latina Sorority, Inc.?
Many women encounter what is known as culture shock upon entering college. Pi Lambda Chi Latina Sorority, Inc. has provided a safe place and a home for many of the women who have joined this prestigious organization. Pi Lambda Chi Latina Sorority, Inc. strives to preserve Latina culture through outreach and community service in the Latino communities surrounding their campuses, by fulfilling our mission statement. The sisterhood has gained a reputation indicative of our commitment to community service, leadership, and academics.
Pi Lambda Chi Latina Sorority, Inc. offers a network for professional development. Pi Lambda Chi Latina Sorority, Inc.’s women create life long friendships that continue beyond college. We have sisters all over the world in many different professions. Pi Lambda Chi Latina Sorority, Inc. sisterhood is a lifelong commitment and sisters are always willing to give a helping hand. Professional development and alumni connections are a continued effort of Pi Lambda Chi Latina Sorority, Inc.
Is Pi Lambda Chi Latina Sorority, Inc. only for Latina women? Who can join?
Any woman is eligible to join Pi Lambda Chi Latina Sorority, Inc. In accordance with our national constitution; Pi Lambda Chi Latina Sorority, Inc. does not discriminate on the basis of race, age, color, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, veteran status, or disability. We also do not discriminate based on parental or marital status. We are a Latina sorority because we generally strive to serve Latinas in higher education. Any woman interested in Latina culture is welcome to join our intake process. Women from many cultural backgrounds are represented in our sorority, including: Mexican, Peruvian, Spanish, Filipino, African-American, Native American, German, Dominican, and Costa Rican just to name a few.
What is the difference between Pi Lambda Chi Latina Sorority, Inc. and other traditional sororities?
Pi Lambda Chi Latina Sorority, Inc. is significantly smaller then most traditional sororities, which is what attracts many women to our organization. We do not have a sorority house like many traditional fraternities and sororities. Our focus is balancing community service and academics with social activities.
Is it expensive to join Pi Lambda Chi Latina Sorority, Inc. ?
No. There is a fee associated with the process. This money is used directly for the benefit of each prospective member and is not refundable. In addition each chapter sets chapter dues at the beginning of each semester. Chapter dues help to pay National dues, community service projects, social activities, sorority gifts and other projects that are chosen by the chapter.
In comparing Pi Lambda Chi Latina Sorority, Inc. with traditional sororities, Pi Lambda Chi Latina Sorority, Inc. is affordable and is significantly cheaper. A woman will never be turned away because of monetary issues.
What do I have to do to become a member of Pi Lambda Chi Latina Sorority, Inc. ? How long does it take?
There is a onetime process that is unique to Pi Lambda Chi Latina Sorority, Inc. Any woman interested is welcome to begin the process, however admittance is not guaranteed. Please contact the local chapter for more information. If you are looking to found a chapter at your school, please visit our expansion page and our National Vice President of Expansion will respond. Due to Pi Lambda Chi Latina Sorority, Inc.’s unique process, details will remain a secret.
Pi Lambda Chi Latina Sorority, Inc. prospective members will never be hazed or physically harmed. The use of alcohol, tobacco, and drugs is prohibited tolerated during the process.
How will joining this organization help me in college?
Our grade point average requirements and consistent study tables mandate that all Pi Lambda Chi Latina Sorority, Inc. women maintain a G.P.A of 2.6. However, many sisters far exceed this minimum. Many sisters are also involved in other campus activities such as student government, other cultural organizations, and are recognized as leaders in their campus and surrounding communities. The support network that Pi Lambda Chi Latina Sorority, Inc. offers is immeasurable.
Where are Pi Lambda Chi Latina Sorority, Inc. chapters located?
Pi Lambda Chi Latina Sorority, Inc. is currently located in Colorado, Texas, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Arizona, Kentucky, New Mexico, Indiana, Illinois, and Idaho. Our Alpha Chapter is located at the University of Colorado at Boulder, where Pi Lambda Chi Latina Sorority, Inc. was founded; Beta Chapter is located at Auraria Campus in downtown Denver and encompasses Metropolitan State College of Denver and the University of Colorado at Denver; Gamma Chapter is located at Bryant College in Smithfield, Rhode Island; Delta Chapter is located at Colorado State University in Fort Collins; Epsilon Chapter is located at the University of Denver; Zeta Chapter is located at the University of Northern Colorado in Greeley, Eta Chapter is located at the University of Texas at Austin; Theta Chapter is located at the University of Arizona in Tempe; Iota Associate Chapter at the University of Kentucky in Richmond; Kappa Chapter at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque; Lambda Associate Chapter at the University of Texas at San Antonio; Mu Associate Chapter at Indiana University Northwest in Gary; Nu Associate Chapter at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Xi Associate Chapter at Boise State University; Omicron Associate Chapter at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs; and Pi Alpha Graduate Chapter is located in Pennsylvania.
We are always looking to expand our family to other colleges/universities. If you are interested in starting a chapter, please visit our expansion page.
What is hazing? Does Pi Lambda Chi Latina Sorority, Inc. haze its prospective members?
Hazing is any physical or mental act that puts a person in a stressful or dangerous situation. Hazing can take many forms and is hard to detect since the participants are usually willing to be subjected to these juvenile and sometimes dangerous acts. No chapter of Pi Lambda Chi Latina Sorority, Inc. shall ever permit hazing. Instances of hazing include, but are not limited to: forced consumption of alcohol or drugs, physical harm, and/or public humiliation. Any prospective member who feels she has been subjected to hazing must immediately contact the Pi Lambda Chi Latina Sorority, Inc. National Board. Pi Lambda Chi Latina Sorority, Inc. has not had any incidences of hazing and will not allow any form of hazing. Punishment for hazing will be imposed by the Pi Lambda Chi Latina Sorority, Inc. National Board and are non-negotiable.
What kinds of activities do the sisters of Pi Lambda Chi Latina Sorority, Inc. do?
We participate in various community service activities, cultural programs, campus activities, and social activities. Some examples of community service include: South West Voter Registration Education Project, the Colorado AIDS Walk, Race for the Cure, Project Angel Heart, Adopt-a-Family, An Evening with Dolores Huerta, An Evening with Madeline Albright, Cesar Chavez Day, Sam Sandos Christmas Baskets, Dia de Los Muertos, formal dances, and fundraisers.
How much time do sisters devote to Pi Lambda Chi Latina Sorority, Inc. ?
Academics come first with Pi Lambda Chi Latina Sorority, Inc., so activities are scheduled to not disrupt the academic schedule of the sisters. However, in order to maintain active status in the sorority, sisters are required to attend 75% of all activities deemed mandatory.
What relationship does Pi Lambda Chi Latina Sorority, Inc. share with other Greeks?
The relationship between Pi Lambda Chi Latina Sorority, Inc. and other Greeks varies by chapter. Many of our chapters are actively involved with their campus Greek Council and participate in campus Greek Weeks. Many chapters collaborate with other Greek organizations to bring educational/cultural events to their respective campuses, provide community service, or hold social events.
I’ve seen a lot of media attention on problems with alcohol and the Greek system, how does Pi Lambda Chi Latina Sorority, Incorporated address these issues?
Pi Lambda Chi Latina Sorority, Inc. National Constitution enforces policies regulating alcohol consumption by sisters. Pi Lambda Chi Latina Sorority, Inc. actively discourages underage drinking, binge drinking, and use of controlled substances. All alcohol, drug, and tobacco use is strictly prohibited while wearing the letters of Pi Lambda Chi Latina Sorority, Inc.
More specific alcohol policies vary by chapter and can be found in chapter bylaws. Each chapter creates its policy in compliance with campus regulations.